Monday, 16 December 2019

Just like Atlantis

Just Like Atlantis.
A definitive review of trident realm in 3rd edition
By a guy that didn't just play fury of the sea.
My oh my trident realm changed massively as a faction through second edition. Here is the long and short of it they were awful and not competitively playable until COK19, although many people appreciated the aesthetic and the playstyle.
So roll on COK 19 where pretty much everyone played
Depth horrors/Thuul/Hidden ones *3 (sometimes kraken)
Fury of sea(ensnarer horde, 2 heartpiercers, flying centurion)
2 knuckers
2 wizards
a filler if points
essentially this list was a heavy board control and amazingly fun list to play if you enjoy saying no to your opponent, ultimately you threatened the middle and rolled enough dice with individuals and heart piercers people had to engage while saying no with ensnarers and the toys protected the flanks.
Its issues were it can get shot off and flying was horrendous for it, those that say knuckers and centurion and ekhter shut down flanks form flyers are not playing against great players with multiple flyers.  The pull and push disrupting, teleporting ehkter, healing regen etc etc made this list fun and unique to play I loved it.
The builds I played though were hard to kill melee builds and a world apart from this,
giga formation (2 hordes)
Kraken or 2
2 Knuckers (sometimes one became trident king)
2 water elemental hordes
depth horror horde
hidden ones
thuul (I varying amounts ad sizes)
healing and weakness magic Asbs
flying centurion
other resilient bits make cameos
you can see previous blogs for more details, basically I played this like most people play undead but without the chaff, a lot of people thought they did more damage than they did and it ground so well
I also less often played (for fun I knew it was suboptimal) msu trident realm
frog troops
heartpiercer troops
wyrm rider regiments
3 knuckers
trident king
etc etc
this was a giggle tbh but showed me all the problems the faction had and that were hidden by fury of the sea.
In my irrelevant opinion all the fury of the sea was played the most trident realm was actual bought alive by the new spells, critters call, weakness, teleport, and to a lesser extent alchemists curse, but also who could take all of these spells.
I think breaking TR in a competitive respect will be a Mammoth challenge without spam in this edition, however it deserves a review even though I feel it will become very very rare this edition, I feel this because its my feeling the character that had been put in seems to have been taken out of the army for me anyway. 
Any way lets review the units
Unit review
Units scored 1-10 on how much I think you should see them in competitive lists
Poison frog upgrade, brutal when you chose for cheap, yes please 10
Naaid ensnarers.
I'm not a fan as these guys have never done any work for me and I feel that the formation made them work by deleting things while they held a key objective at 250 points doing not a lot.  However they are a good scenario piece and can be reasonably self sufficient with hammer of measured force which is what I suggest.  In terms of size I think its horde or go home to get use out of the regen, I think troops aren't great and should be thuul or TL, regiments are ok but should be placoderms in most lists, and the horde is decent enough but should probably be depth horrors.  Sorry if you disagree but how may of these do you see in nature armies? they take salamanders right (sorry guys i'm biased with these but I genuinely feel it was the formation that made these strong)
The little fellas went up in price to the correct price, hidden ones left us which makes me sad. Both sizes are valid, I think will be a mainstay this edition, I think when people see how much steady aim, pierce 1, range 4 shooting is out there the depth horrors that people are spamming will soon add more thuul.
Riverguard treeleapers
These are a large improvement from the edition before if you go with the troop, however the regiment is just so costly for its output, that I cant see it seeing play much unless an unlock is really needed. Either way its nice to have some skirmishers that are just unpredictable enough with Bastion up that people wont want to risk getting stuck on them and flanked.
Phalanx troops are irrelevant usually and a waste of print, but then def 6 ones aren't, regiments are a cock block for people to hit and get stuck.  The output on these guys is poor but DEF6 is amazing, with phalanx its even better, these have definitely become the correct price point and rules, speed 5 means everything, I love these guys with healing items or diadem.  I think most people wont take them, I think they are wrong, and I think those who do will only consider regiments and I think they are wrong. 4 troops to me seems amazingly interesting in front of a wall of depth horrors, thuul or dam busters.
Naaid heartpiercers
Interesting unit, you will see them, but i'm not confident TR are a combined arms army anymore, I think these are the single biggest losers of the edition, irregular/no ensnare, however 2-3 troops with enthral to pull things out of inspire is still a thing.  Regiments are meta dependant to only where you had shooting before, I think these will be mainly in the roll skaven weapon teams took in the last edition.
Nerfed river guard and they were awful before, plus irregular.  I cant see these making lists they are not quite as bad as chariots, but im guessing mantics moulds are broken but they have loads of upgrade kits hanging about :)
Tidal swarm
Interesting piece, they are not my style but have something the rest of the chaff doesn't for a big discount and that's fearless.  Definitely good enough with scout, I thought were poor before so I will uprate appropriately, the regiment is the money for me 3 points of nerve for nearly double cost is eye watering, although I guess 40 flank attacks is interesting.
These guys lost scout and gained (got nerfed with) shambling. Used to have occasional uses hanging around mid table breathing asking people to trade, the double move nerf in most situations is pretty bad.  Surging into terrain so they don't take cover is cute I guess, but i think will being in a meaningless location for it to matter, I could be wrong here but I think for the second edition running they have saved me building a set.
Depth horrors
These are one of the main stays, ensnare /15 on the regiment is amazing, the horde offer more of a hit than anything else TR have.  Will see them, will see regiments this edition also, I cant think of a list without 1 horde in
Water elementals
the slight buff with strider has been massively offset with these guys, having been "the only" guy I know that tried and made these really work, I will say critters call and casual healing we had, and the efficacy of BC surge and myrmiddans fireamulet are the reasons they worked.  They are still ok but remember the extra cost in the surge caster I think these go from a around a 7-8 because we needed the flyer protection, down but not to much as you will save points in not supporting them and leave them to fend for themselves
Naaid wyrm riders
perplexed why they needed nerfing or what anyone was smoking, they are quick pathfinder, they see over some hills, that's their use I think, im maybe being harsh I didn't mind the regiment before and its still ok,
Another unit got overhauled, lost elite and a point of cs, gained nimble, vicious and def 5 in flank/rear.
Still playable but used to be 7 damage a turn now probably 5-6, nimble is interesting, gained 5 points a unit (when you - formation cost) def 5 in flank is useful.  I went on a rant with these initially ill apologise later to Matt for that, they are not amazing but they are serviceable, I just wish they benefitted from horn of the ocean, I mean another def 6 unit is pretty sweet and where I think nimble does little for the horde, the regiment can now get out of the way very easily
Riverguard dambusters
these are proof power creep isn't yet real, however they are not in box set form yet and if they get a nuclear blast next year it also proves the business model.
Its all interesting stuff, but where I apologised to Matt James before i'd love to know these guys roll.
Its almost like they were designed to always be undisrupted in a flank, regen 6 is meh, sticky tongue is bizarre on a tc 2 unit, the lack of path finder is perplexing and I consider strider a downgrade here.
I mean they are not terrible but very expensive, someone could unlock them and rule the world, in my mind I have no doubt about that, but I don't have a key
Greater water elemental
Barry the barrel he got strider, he still needs to be more hitty, but hes ok as a beat stick and the model is ace
fair size nerf here that may seem like a buff, but ultimately change the way the model plays, these were simple 4 damage front, 8 flank, 11 rear. However losing 2 points of TC and replacing it with CS1 means the odds of not damaging a flyer are great, def 5 stuff can possibly laugh them off on a flank or even a rear if it must. This monster is more bad player friendly for the grind, but for precision players they will feel this nerf bad, however due to the fact tr have virtually zero defence for flyers or warmachines all of what I said is irrelevant and his stock goes up
Coral Giant
Used to find these interesting im now perplexed as were not common before gained 1 attack, 15 points more and a much bigger base meaning the ensnare is less relevant. On the fence here tbh I guess again could be some gold to pan as speed 7 is good and cs 3 now rarer
Gained wild charge D3 for 10 points, seems fair and were good before, however I feel the cs4, pierce 1 shooting and warmachines mean he may disappear fast from lists, maybe regen is enough who knows
Leviathans bane
had potential range 4 is interesting, but enthral only being able to be used once is a bit meh, I just think they are a lot of points when they take ever defensive penalty going and TR don't sit back and defend them but instead get in the way.


Naaid centurion
this model makes me wants to cry, so she lost ensnare and she lost the ability fly at def 5 and she lost the ability to take a heart piercer and went up 5 points, sadly the difference between -1 to hit def 5 over being flat def 4 with wings of honey maze is massive also obviously misses fury from the formation, up a pip of nerve.  Not unplayable but definitely not what she was and wont see much play

Naaid stalker
Cheap mans centurion that cant tank like the centurion did but can disrupt flyers and hunt with wings, and without wings still contributes with a heartpiercer, so is very reasonable, and likely choice

Naaid Centurion Wyrmrider
so this guy is the reason the knucker didn't need changing, he's a better knucker in most situations but takes a character slot so isn't seen much

Depth horror eternal
A heavy hitter is he gets that flank with nimble, I like models like him tbh and should find more room for him yet ever seem to

Thuul aquamage
this new boy has some inspiring for elemetals, the options of weakness, wild charge aura, surge and icy breath. I like him overall isn't 1 + but wild charge aura is cute especially if stacked with speed items. A 1+ if taking elementals

Thuul Mythican
Hes what he always was hes ok, hes a support caster that can be a melee guy also, hes well better than average but not amazing he ca be important just to guard from flyers, I think he will be seen a fair amount at least until boomstick gets nerfed

Naaid envoy
not what they were when they had the choice of a million spells but equally they shouldn't be, will often see one just because bastion a a fury aura are a thing, but that's how may you will see, as imho TR need all the fighting heros they can to try and control flyers.
7 with the two (1)  5 otherwise

oh how the mighty have fallen, used to have a unique a flavourful spell, now has enthral, which you will use I occasional gunline or surge builds where even then you may see her.  No longer (1) but most lists will have zero unless they are taking her for heal in a gunline, maybe see her if she inspired
Riverguard sentinel
great little combat character, all the rules except strealth, but 4 attack duellist ? give him 5 and he might have been seen, inspiring the same, but at 135 hes sadly overcosted, which is a shame as hes cool

Riverguard dambuster sentinel
scroll up to dam busters, a mess of rules that costs lots, I like that his nimble on a single base can get you out of the way

still the same guy add the fact alchemist curse is gone but also teleport gone, trident realms only decent tech against flyers and cav is right here

Trident king
I took him no one else did, I played Dan King he spent the whole gaming killing a regiment of carrion, hes now gone up in cost and breath has bee nuked, bizarre but I burned mine on you tube

Tactics and lists.

Trident realms have 2 builds I my mind
a slow pretty decent melee build that is decent in scenario, you can play lots of units, you can make it mixed arms but why live a lie, a list of thuul and depth horrors spammed is this build.
if you metas shot heavy add heal or add individuals for speed

the other build is a mixed arms gunline, similar to last edition but no where near as strong, however a lot more troops leads to an msu control space build, its interesting it may be ok, it requires a top player where the first doesn't to work.

i'm going to try both tbh (approx. builds)

my meat build will be
Water elemental hordes *2
thuul regiment
thuul troop
Depth horror hordes *2
Tidal swarm reg
Naaid Centurion
Thuul aquamage

My msu/mmu high def build with shooting will be
2 giga hordes
2 depth horror hordes
4 placoderm troops
3 heartpiercer troops
Siren (heal and ethrall)
Envoy with bastion as horn

I worry about TR in this edition, I worry about warmachines, I worry about flyers and I worry about pierce 1 steady aim shooting.  Flying centurions erf, siren nerf, critterscall, envoy nerf, wyrmrider nerf, no cavalry individuals, teleport gone and a plethora of other things, have meant at least in my mind our tools have nearly all gone, this army is essential a mash of infantry/monstrous and some decent monsters. I think overall the faction is lower middle tier but as per usual in any faction is a spam list that's good, when oh when will the RC bring in unit caps its a huge issue imho and putting me off the game a little.
On paper I think they have reasonable parts, but in reality I feel the parts don't add up to as good a sum as you like because of the lack of tools.
I think they will be an enjoyable challenge but you need to be of a mind set of rebuilding to every meta you face and permanently reconstructing as they don't have all comers lists and do have terrible match ups, if you want better TR just play salamanders or orcs which are similar but seem better on paper and I think in reality by a fair margin, however I love the aesthetic
I know there are real TR fanatics out there hit me up, explain to me why im wrong ad tell me the lists I've missed, have they sunk like Atlantis or do we think they will submerge ?

Friday, 13 December 2019

Elves in Pannithor
The Definitive Kings of War Guide
Well my guide anyway!

So another year, another COK (20) and another season for me pushing arrogant elves.
I mean shit changed right, last year I primarily played variants of the list below at locals but for the most part I played TR.  I promised this review to a lot of people and will enjoy writing ad thinking about it, im capricious and slightly antagonistic though so please take it with the tongue and cheek intended

Palace Guard regiment
Palace Guard regiment
Storm wind regiment who find paths
Storm wind regiment who take creatine
Glade stalker troop
Archer troop
Blizzard Wizard on an inspiring  pony
Alchemist curse wizard on foot with critters call
King on pony with beast slayer heading up his formation
ASB with a banjo
regiment of drakon war hawk things

Basically I had moved to a less traditional elf list, for me a combination of critters call, weakness and lack of black crown meant I didn't rate archer and drakon hordes as much as many became reliant. Im 22-1-0 with this style of list by the way and have played several masters players with it.
So if you are expecting a self loathing whinge fest, go listen to counter charge, have the RC got shit very wrong with elves, yes on some of it, did the guys have some great points on counter charge, yes some, but it wasn't constructive tbh. I think as a commentator on anything its important to provide solution and not just whinge. 
This is going to be a marathon of a review. Half way through i'll cut the blog and do sylvan and twilight another day, I suggest breaking at the unit review end also and coming back before you read the tactics and list reviews.
Right now ill put in my disclaimers, I am opinionated, I do see some things black and white and I cant change that or be positive about something I'm not, I do value opinions, so hit me up.
twitter@chaffmaster1, messenger ap, facebook or on this blog in comments

Units review
Scores out of ten are trp/reg/hrde

Sabre tooth hunting cat special army upgrade available on king to give +5 attacks against individuals 10 points, or prince extra 3 attacks.
My verdict is you have 10 points left or a king you might take this
Kindred Tallspears
Same as before I always liked these and I still do, phalanx is a more impactful rule than it once was, id get a troop of these over battle cats for 90, 140 for a regiment is frustrating for people to deal with and I think at 230 the horde is a tad pricey, but with bane chant they rock. I have to be honest I try and avoiding putting items on them, but if I was gonna I think crystal pendant or measured force are their gigs and pathfinder to push them up and leave hindered charges can be a thing.

Palace Guard
Same as before, I rarely left home without some, elves don't have much CS and these always gave some grind, however now they come in hordes.
Here is the thing I think the horde is a trap, def 4 hordes at nearly 300 with an item, with no defensive tech seems really sad. I can see these getting, chaffed out, shot up etc etc, but if multiples are taken I think they could be great.
the regiments still grind nicely and I will still take them to be my work horses, the troops are still really hitty and great chaff that hurts.

Shield watch
This new unit is essentially palace guard that trade up a point of defence for melee and nerve decreases. They are decent enough and I think they could be seen but not that often. They are the hardest to remove troop elves have so that's something, the regiment is quite grindy, but melee 4 is sad with elite its far worse than the normal 16% drop in effectiveness and not worth bane chanting.

Forest Guard
This new unit are in effect palace guard literally taking out the CS1 and adding pathfinder and TC1, I think these will be taken eventually when people work out they are decent and often palace guard in offence that are a point harder to hit if charged or shot because they will be in terrain. One or two of these in regiment seems strong, and is some money for me in troops, could flatter to deceive but early testing they look ok.

Hunters of wild (irregular)
Big changes to these guys, rebasing :( def 5 pathfinder scout, accurate melee infantry, are interesting, but the fact they are irregular means you will likely only see troop and if you do why when it could be forest guard, scout does up the score but I feel they may be to slow to abuse it with what elves do to support.  Not awful but no cs or tc or elite is a big deal and id probably use them if they were fearless.

Kindred archers
So these are the same as before except they lost elite in melee and umm well they may have gone down to hitting on 5s.
OK with this unit the RC have lost the plot. No one really ever took horde 5+ shooting with no piercing. Guess what that wont change for the most part, that said they are ok into matches with light chaff or if you are desperate for unlocks I guess.  Basically shooting got hit in about 8 places but these were good before because for 30 points they became 16% more effective and that went up again with a bane chant, but with the buffs not existing the big unit is basically a huge target.
I think regiments as a cheap unlock will be seen and are cheap enough to forget, the troops I can see very rarely taken as cheap objective baby sitters, the hordes are probably 40 ish points overcosted (if you don't believe me assume elite and phalanx both have no value and look in order of the brothermark.

Therennian sea guard
Ok not my bag, hurt massively by the same indirect things as hit the archers but losing elite on arrows was a minor direct nerf to them in comparison.  So these are better archers than archers in every situation but are worse spearmen.  Traditionally the horde was taken with nimble and you may still see this but vicious is also good, you may see them because of unlock issues but I just think being more than palace guard is actually comic and so for this reason i'm not expecting to see many.
The regiments are interesting in msu/mmu builds at 165 and sitting on an objective in terrain are useful for piece trading while offering a threat with the bow. You may see some but I genuinely think are still a little price especially as a horde

Glade stalkers
This irregular choice are the new archers and a bit of a poster child, steady aim, pathfinder, full elite and scout, me4+ means they are a genuine all rounder. However expensive and super fragile def 3, I think they pay for scout and with steady aim now in it has a limited benefit.  You can buy regiments but I don't get it as irregular and essential the only benefit being nerve and corckscrew charges, so I expect them to be every ones favourite troop.

Stormwind cavalry
Decent cavalry have always only needed a point of nerve to complete them as a regiment, great unlocking unit. Drakons are irregular and formation is gone and phalanx could be a thing, so  I think a lot of lists will have 1 unit of them. The troops are expensive but are surprisingly good chaff pinch hitters.

Silver breeze
Another irregular poster child, dropped points and gained me4 (no elite)means people see these as a spam solution and I really don't, range 18 bows is a huge drop in effectiveness however as a replacement for seaguard unless you need the unlocks these are another decent allrounder. 
I think people may start with regiments but I think they are more versatile as troops and in addition will collectively be more resilient, and I think too many is a bad thing

Battle cats
Cheap rubbish swarm, I don't like them I don't see what they do, if I want a cheap objective holder archers are better.
If I wanted something to chock stuff up i'm likely to use forest guard.
They are useable because of nimble but I don't think they will make make many lists as points in elves is tight and lack of path finder is massive for what they want to do.

Forest shamblers
I want to make these work but irregular in elves and needing a surge guy to even be moderately effective means my models will still collect dust.  I guess the regiments are still good blocking pieces to trade up, that's about my only compliment. Hordes I cant make work at all and I don't think anyone else has either 4/3

War chariots
need rebasing and the size of base making them hard to play, are irregular, dropped ranged in number of shots and in to hit number and in range, also phalanx more prevailant.  Probably one of  the worst units in the game, the troop has a tiny interest

Drakon riders
Deserved nerf in losing nimble but hit less than most similar units, now irregular, could still be about as still hit like trucks, but a lot of points
Bolt thrower
stock has risen due to the stock in archers dropping and other war machines being prevailant but I don't see them as better than before and gladestalkers feel a lot better. Fits a filler niche but lacks the potential of unit strength.
Dragon breathe
breath weapons are nerfed, this one is nerfed more and can virtually always be charged after shooting. Its not good tbh
Tree herder
this much maligned fella now has 9 attatcks, strider and radiance of life on top of his befores, its massive he stays as a 50mm and its a definite consideration
Elven king
a really competent but very expensive individual, I wish he could have a bow so much, but he cant so will usually be on a horse.
Lord on Drakon
always been a little underwhelmed by this guy I think he is 1-2 attacks or 1-2 nerve short, but in an edition of potentially slightly smaller units and less nimble flyers he may have a little more use
Elven prince
less breathe weapons smaller units, increased number of war machines, 80 on a horse, he looks very tempting maybe 2
still good but maybe seen less, the need for inspiring is less now tree man are better and kings and better. Will still see him playing a banjo but less id think
Elven mage
lightning bolt, elite, boomstick. 1+ Until next cok when they will be nerfed
Dragon Kindred Lord
Still a great choice looks even better now drakons have been hit with nimble nerf.  Will still see them as great premium unlock choice, obviously the phalanx change could hit them massively, but much less than drakons because of nimble.
Noble war chariots
its a chariot, its a character slot and it got nerfed
Madriga the elf
lost vicious but gained inspiring self and a point of speed and 15 points. My favourite girl maybe a little expensive now especially considering the mage with LB
A dragon with CS4, very inspiring, brutal for 30 points, seems reasonable tbh
Argus Rodinar
Interesting choice I mean another reason not to chose an ASB, if this guy had unit strength he would be auto include, however only contributing by granting inspiring while taking an unlock is a little niche. I think he will be seen, but I expect to see more king, princes, dragons, mages in the character slots
Lists and tactics.
I suspect when the edition first begins you will see a lot of people trying high movement elf lists mainly unlocked by regiments of archers and possibly the odd stormwind cavalry.   Something like 3 dragons, 3 reg archers, 3 regiments of silverbreeze and extras.  I think its a solid enough bas but I think opposition flyers are an issue, I think its vulnerable to shooting and I worry about the lack of high quality attacks that could possibly even be healed off. However ive seen a lot of this type of design which seems popular with people. 
The alternative build will likely be 3 palace guard hordes, with king a couple of mages and troops of glade stalkers, with maybe a unit of drakons to taste.  I think this build is an attempt at a brute force build but I feel it can be out played fairly easily if the opponents moves or shoots well.
We have to go away from the idea of elves being a brute force maths faction and frankly play better using movement strengths.  The archer horde is dead but I believe we have a decent phalanx horde that in game that could be used to unlock if not PG are also decent, alternatively I think we will be basing our lists on an MMU or MSU (multiple small/medium units) that will give us combined strength. 
Elves still alpha strike (with ranged)  in a way that most others cant but it doesn't win the game in a turn any more as its not stacking numbers its a death by a thousand cuts model. I think people will need to segment the board and trade up continually by dinging units up with some shots then trading a cheap combat unit to finish off. 
Many of you will know that is the style of list I played for a long time in 2nd edition and it is effective I promise you, with the added bonus it looks great on the table and is fun to play and makes your worst possible match ups still playable as its not polarising.  The design of list im looking at right now to take into account how I feel the first year meta will be at 2K is
Elven King on horse, shard blade and sabre cat
Lord on Drakon
Archmage LB Boomstick
Archmage  LB BC Conjurers staff
Regiment Stormwind Cav Jess' Boots
Regiment Stormwind Cav Maccwars Caterpillar
Regiment Palace Guard
Regiment Palace Guard
Regiment of Kindred archers
Troop of glade stalkers
Troop of glade stalkers
Troop of Silver breeze
Troop of Silver breeze
I'm sure over coming weeks this will change about, but for scenario and positive point scoring systems this seems really good. On systems with VP difference the silver breeze would likely become 1, the second mage will become a healer and id drop the regiment of archers to become a regiment of drakon riders.
Things I think I would face
Night stalkers, goblins, basileans and undead would likely be seen a lot this coming year potentially add abyssal dwarves to that,  it hurts me to say but I think elves have limited ways of dealing with the war machines we could see, 6 war machines will be common and it annoys me indirect ignores people playing well,  other than that I don't think this edition is too scary for elves.  I don't think the number of phalanx units will be around that people say will, I don't believe overall will be as many flying circuses and I think healing will be very expensive for most factions, I think a down tick in bow fire will also massively benefit this list. 
I could be wrong I mean my list was shit for masters apparently, I played trident realms out of the formations all year,  and won an event with undead using a list without using surge, but we will see what happens, for now stay safe and have a happy Christmas, ill try to get either sylvan and twilight or trident realm done soon, depending to be honest on the feedback from this one. 
Please post on any FB group, twitter, or this blog any comment, critique or question you have, I don't claim to be the all seeing knowledge by the way is probably a million ways of playing this game.