Hi, I'm Ian Sturgess,
Some of you may know me from my days as a regular on the WFB scene, where I believe I played for longer than I've ever held a job, others may have met me throwing dice around in the Midlands KOW scene or in warmachine/hordes or possibly off my couple of years on Ohio hammer or from the ETC (if Fred reads this I know I've made it). Anyway I have been known as Chaffmaster for a long time (Ed Morris to blame)and it was down to a term I used for swordmasters if you ever heard it, it was my baby.
When fantasy ended and AOS came out to be honest I'd had my fill of rank and flank and the concept of AOS intrigued me, I'm sorry to say it let me down massively and I tried many games before sticking to warmachine for tournaments; and KOW but only in my games room with my long time
friend Mick Mckee.
Many people tried to get me into the KOW Uk tournament scene especially my mate Lordy(Darren Parkes) but tbh I think I was temporarily burned out on rank and flank, even though setting wise it's what I loved.
I attended around 1 event a year and got my ass handed to me by people like Dan King as frankly whatever rules me and Mick were playing were not the ones in the book.
Last year something happened though I got dragged along to a black dragon event in Hinckley and I started enjoying the game, its cleanness and simplicity finally won me over I guess as a yang to warmachine, my mojo for fantasy had returned. For me this was great I read some fluff dusted off the woodies I had half finished painting and began to plan single basing etc etc
Got to be honest haven't got far with the painting yet but on the gaming front I've reimmersed myself in the scene. The uk community I've met in the Midlands seems friendly enough and I'm afraid to say they probably all know me now as I have an inability to keep quiet.
The blog im writing this blog really as I don't have time to do podcasts but would love a little record of my hobby and learning experiences to share with you guys. I'll try to remain positive on the game etc but I will have my say if I don't like something. I did try and set something up with Tom Robinson and Adam Padley a couple of old mates of mine and it hasn't happened as they are busy with the Northern Kings events.
Anyway the blog, will contain tips,tactics, reports, I'm not sure myself but I'm a very mathematical player and in my next blog I will start to go through some dice maths stuff or my elf infatuation and explain some mistakes I've made.